Pool Shelter 

The 36 x 50' pavilion comes equipped with electricity, six (6) tables, a grill, and close proximity to the Pool and playground. This Shelter is only available to rent during Open Swim Hours. To reserve the Pool pavilion for your next event please contact the Kingsbury Park District at (618) 664-4969.  **The Kingsbury Park District reserves the right to refuse the use of any of it's facilities to anyone. If a scheduled event at any park is open to the public, a Certificate of Insurance naming the Kingsbury Park District as "Additionally Insured," is required.  Persons renting the Pool Shelter will have the option of entering the Pool during regular open swim hours at a reduced group rate.  The rate is 50% off regular admission, with a minimum of 10 persons participating.  This is not considered a pool party and the participants must follow all rules of the pool.**    


Park District Resident - $30.00        

Non-District Resident - $40.00

Pass holders are entitled to 1 free pool shelter rental per pool season.   

Shelter Rental Agreement