Way back in 1896 Greenville Women Visualized the advantages of recreational Facilities. Several literary clubs of the town united in forming the Women’s Federate Club of Greenville, with the purpose of earning money for a park. After years of hoping and planning, $5000 was accumulated for the purpose of purchasing land for a park. In November of 1934 the Federated Club donated 60 acres of land a mile west of Greenville to the City of Greenville for a Park. This park is now known as Patriots Park and maintained by the Kingsbury Park District. Part of this land had been the site of the first golf course in Greenville. (Two of the original holes are now in the lake). The club women insisted on the preservation of all-natural beauties that would appeal to all ages. These women not only had a vision but possessed initiative and energy to make their dreams come true. It is said to be the only park in the state purchased and developed by women at the time this article was written.
In 1972 the Kingsbury Park District was formed.

Pictured above standing are Warren A. McMullen, Richard G. Washburn and Elvin M. Miller. Seated are William E. Davidson, and W. Richard Stephens. These are the commissioners for the newly formed Kingsbury Park District located in the Southern Illinois community of Greenville.