Soccer- Spring (CS #160-165) 

The Kingsbury Park District offers Spring Soccer for the Boys and Girls of Bond County ages 4-14. Ages will be determined by the participant’s age of September 1st of the current year unless the child qualifies for the District Petition Policy.  We will be partnering with the Greenville University Men's & Women's Soccer teams for coaches and referees. 

The early Bird Deadline is January 29, 2024.  The Early Bird Discount will be applied during the registration process.  Registrations after February 9th, will not be guaranteed a spot on a roster. 

 The Season will begin on March 4, 2024.  There will be no soccer the week of March 11, 2024.  The tentative end date is the week of April 15, 2024.  If there are rainouts the season will not go past May 5th for makeups. Please keep in mind the deadline dates for Spring Soccer, as anyone registering after the deadlines will not be guaranteed a space on a roster. Participants in U6 through U14 leagues will receive a Shirt and 1 pair of Socks.  U5 participants will receive a shirt. 

Please contact the Kingsbury Park District for more information. All players must wear shin guards.  These are not provided by the Kingsbury Park District.   

 Participants will not be added to the roster if your account has an outstanding balance from current or previous KPD Activities.    

Program Flyer - 

Frank Snyder Financial U5 Soccer (CS #160)

Who's Eligible?             

Children Aged 4-5 (Who will not turn six (6) on or before September 1st, of the current year) 


Monday's & Wednesday's             

4:45 or 5:30                     

Practice is held twice a week for six (6) weeks. Practice will be 30 minutes.  This league has no games.  You will be notified once schedules are available from the District 


Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Fields 

U6 Soccer (CS #161)

Who's Eligible?             

Children Age 6 (Who will not turn seven (7) on or before September 1st, of the current year) 


Tuesdays & Thursdays            

4:45 or 5:30  PM                       

Practice and games will be held 2 times per week for six (6) weeks.  You will be notified once schedules are available from the District 


Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Fields  

HSHS Holy Family U8 Soccer (CS #162)

Who's Eligible?               

Children Ages 7-8 (Who will not turn nine (9) on or before September 1st, of the current year) 


Monday’s & Wednesday’s            

4:45 or 6:00 PM                         

Practices and games will be held twice a week for six (6) weeks.  You will be notified once schedules are available from the District 


Patriot’s Park  --1042 Patriot’s Park Drive, Greenville, IL 62246

U12 Soccer (CS #164)

 Who's Eligible?             

Children Ages 9 - 11 (Who will not turn twelve (12) on or before September 1st, of the current year) 


Monday's & Wednesday's              

Practice and games will be held twice a week for six (6) weeks.  You will be notified once schedules are available from the District 


 Patriots Park -- 1042 Patriots Park Drive, Greenville IL 62246

U14 Soccer (CS #165)

Who's Eligible?             

Children Ages 12-14 (Who will not turn Fifteen (15) on or before September 1st, of the current year) 


Tuesdays & Thursdays                             

Practice and games will be held twice a week for six (6) weeks.  You will be notified once schedules are available from the District 


Our  Redeemer Lutheran Church