2024 Swim Lessons 

Swim Lesson Levels Classes are structured for 45 minutes of instruction and 5 minutes of free play.

 Level 1: Level 1 lessons are available for children ages 4 and older who are comfortable being in the water without a parent even if they cannot yet stand on the bottom of the pool. A platform is available for children to stand on. Children must be comfortable being in the water without a parent present to participate in this class. 

Level 2: Primary Skills 

Level 3: Stroke Readiness 

Level 4: Stroke Development 

Level 5&6: Stroke Refinement & Skill Proficiency 

Tots & Tadpoles Tots and Tadpoles are 30 minutes in length and a parent or adult must accompany the child in the water. 

Fees: Tots and Tadpoles: Park District Resident -- $26.25 per child 

                                            Non-Park District Resident -- $31.25 per child

 All Other Youth Swim Lessons: Park District Resident -- $55.50 per child 

                                                       Non-Park District Resident -- $65.50 per child 

Minimum: 4 participants Maximum: 8 participants